Thursday, March 15, 2012

TV Pick for Tonight: Mary's Bottom Line

Queen of the Shops, Mary Portas is on a crusade to bring clothes manufacturing back to the UK through the production of a key staple in any woman's wardrobe - knickers.

Yes, Mary wants us to embrace our behinds and invest in 100% British knickers. But first, she has to create a new brand that competes with the cheap underwear produced in the Far East. It's not going to be easy, but Mary believes consumers will pay more for clothes produced in the UK where they can be sure ethical that working conditions were met.

Mary beings her knickers crusade tonight in Middleton, near Manchester, where past generations saw a booming textual industry. These days however, the factories are closed and unemployment is rife. Mary sets out to change this by recruiting eight apprentices who she will train to run her own production line.

Can Mary succeed in producing 100% British knickers, find a retailer to stock them, and convince customers to buy them? Or is the whole idea a bit pants?

Mary's Bottom Line begins tonight at 9pm on Channel 4.

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