Wednesday, February 01, 2012

#ITVChat: 'LGB in TV: Pride or Prejudice?' Part 2

Summary of #ITVChat: 'LGB in TV: Pride or Prejudice?' continued...

'Question 4: As an all-encompassing media, how can TV be more representative of your sexual orientation?'

@cardboardcakes 'instead of just representing, would be good to see fictional characters dealing real issues such as gay marriage'

This relates to my point that life experiences should be the priority rather than making a big deal about someone's sexual orientation.

@StonewallUK 'Surely one of the key issues with bi visibility is not representing it as a 'phase' in programming.'

@Andrew_Ellery 'ITV got it right in Emmerdale with 'Aaron' q'ing sexuality. Challenged all stereotypes and commitment in relationship'

@StonewallUK 'Really need to see more positive lesbian and bi representation.'


@tvnewswales replied to the above: 'Agreed. But in a rounded drama we also need to hear such issues raised -- and dealt with properly'

This is a fair point but there needs to be a balances between the 'issues raised' and ordinary life for LGB characters.

@StonewallUK 'And it's also important for gay people to not be seen simply in terms of 'issues' or as victims.'

@SaraHansonITV 'Its a debate that constantly goes on in drama -authenticity v's sensationalisation. Understanding the impact is key.'

Yes but the impact is different for heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual viewers - there is not one impact from a storyline.

@StonewallUK 'Again, we can point to Corrie, which showed Sean and Marcus simply as dads, not primarily gay men.'

@RainbowTweeters 'A greater emphasis on life experiences of LGBT characters is what we need.'

@Natalieread309 'tv should portray LGB to all viewers, not just special programs for LGB viewers. Sophie/Sian was a good example in corrie'

@AndyWasley (Stonewall Employee) gives the best quote ever! 'I recall Lear: The purpose of playing ... is to hold a mirror to life... '

'@tvnewswales 'Politics of presence' vital - the LGB community on screen whether sexuality relevant or not'


@Andrew_Ellery 'corrie is definitely ahead of the game'

@Andrew_Ellery 'lesbian couple in corrie was gd story. Such loving r/ship. Would b nice to of seen acceptance from family str8 away

The writers of Coronation Street are prime examples of being more representative of sexual orientation in an ordinary way rather than stereotyping or over-dramatising.

@teachingofsci 'perhaps try portraying bisexuals as ppl first, rather than greedy/indecisive/unfaithful/predatory?'
@tvnewswales replied: 'Couldn't agree more with the 'people not problems' approach'

@PatriciaRose: 'Really need to see more positive lesbian and bi representation.'

@RainbowTweeters 'A person's sexual orientation should not define them. It doesn't define heterosexuals so why us?'

@natatlieread309 'tv should have more LGB characters that have normal life's & not purely concentrate on the coming out and negative aspect!'
@SaraHansonITV replied: 'That's when soaps can play an important role. Not one-off stories but part of a long running character's identity'

@Andrew_Ellery 'we are all born with a 'sexuality'. Difference is we are all assumed straight. B gd to change that'

Totally agree! I would love to see this change happen!!

@AndrewBogg 'I can see why soaps have the drama but to represent true life there are many happy LGBT couples of all ages getting on with life'

Very good point! Drama should represent what they do to get on with life to show that LGBT couples aren't alien to heterosexual couples.

@RainbowTweeters 'Just seeing same-sex couples walk down the street holding hands will make a difference'

@southofkinross 'How about programmes showing lgb folk doing normal boring things (that arent stereotypically attached to sexuality'

@southofkinross also asked: 'should kids television have "lgb" people in it? Under 16 I mean !?'
@StonewallUK 'We believe age-appropriate portrayals of different families are important, given how many kids have gay parents. '
@Martin1Craig 'Under 16s are exactly the demographic that need gay people in their programming. That's when opinions are formed.'
@RainbowTweeters 'Yes kids television should show 'LGB people'. All under 16s need to see people they can relate to.'

'Q5 from @HuisVanDeSteak: Sexual orientation should only be a concern when sex is on the agenda, why should it have a bearing on my employability?'

@AndyWasley 'I wrote about this, sort of, in my @HuffPostUK article about football; open sportspeople perform better. applies to other employees. Horrible to think that some people still feel pressured to stay in the closet.'

@SaraHansonITV 'Should definitely be about talent. But by knowing the workforce profile - progression, levels etc helps identify discrimination. '

@sharprc 'Since coming out in my place of work, I've felt more accepted and more amiable.'

@StonewallUK 'Sexuality shouldn't affect employability in a negative way. But more diversity helps orgs'

@lizzietammyking 'it shudn't have any bearing on work, although im quite open at work it didn't once cum up untill id been here a bit'

@Martin1CraigTotally agree with 'normalising' the gay thing in TV rather than all of this drama & intrigue. If only real life were so exciting.'

@OintonJohnp'I'm not camp/butch somewhere in between. I don't resent those who are at either end of that spectrum though it's called DIVERSITY'

@BisexualFTW 'I think butch women get under-represented in TV drama. I see way more femme characters.'

@jasonpbell 'sexuality should not define a person, it is the way that characters react, you can have a gay hero, but not because they're gay'

An extremely valuable point that should be noted from this discussion.

Q6. Does discrimination in entry level jobs make LGB people feel even more insecure jobwise? (from @eddydurnan)

@cardboardcakes 'The don't as part of the application. But it's often supplimentary to show they are equal opportunity employers'

@StonewallUK 'Yes, it can; it's important for new entrants to the job market to feel secure and valued from day one.'

@natalieread309 ' I think it more to do with the sector or perceived environment in general oppose to the level of the job.'

@tvnewswales 'I'd be astounded to hear of discrimination at entry level.ITV's big on increasing diversity'

@southofkinross ''How many lgb staff get "sly comments" when no-one else around. Very common in my opinion. Very much underreported'

Q7 Does the TV industry need to do more for anyone LGB to develop their careers?

@StonewallUK 'Important for LGB people to know they can aspire to every level of management within any organisation.'

@tvnewswales 't's vital to have diversity at all levels to improve the decision making of a co in a diverse world '

You can view the complete #ITVchat conversation from yesterday's discussion here.

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