Tuesday's story follows a young unfulfilled teacher, Holly, (played by Billie Piper) who is in an unsatisfactory relationship with a married man and suddenly finds herself drawn to one of her female pupils. When the feeling proves to be mutual, Holly is left with a decision to make...Can she hold back her feelings for her student or is their love too powerful?
Storyline sound familiar? It's no secret that the student/teacher relationship has been done over and over again with straight, gay and bisexual couples, but we all love the drama it creates, don't we?! Bloomington and Loving Annabelle are two of my favourite lesbian films which both see a female teacher giving in to her feelings for her female pupil. The films have different endings, but the students surprisingly seem to be in control of both of the teacher/pupil relationships. Is this because they have less to lose or is first-time love the hardest to resist?
Bloomington (2010) |
Loving Annabelle (2006) |
You'll have to wait until Tuesday 19th June to find out what Billie Piper's character does when faced with the love of a pupil...
True Love begins on Sunday 17th June on BBC1 at 10:35pm
Image credit: BBC/Working Title